NEMATOLOGY 100 - FINAL EXAM December 14, 1988 2 hours 1. (15 points) What factors will you consider in developing crop rotation for various nematode groups? Discuss the use of this approach for the genus Pratylenchus and the genus Globodera. 2. (10 points) Describe the various sensory structures of nematodes in the order Tylenchida and discuss their apparent function. 3. (10 points) Compare development and characteristics of syncytia incited by Heterodera and giant cells incited by Meloidogyne. 4. (15 points) What features would you design into a nematode to enhance its success in disturbed annual cropping systems. Discuss these characteristics in relation to the root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp) and the dagger nematodes (Xiphinema spp). 5. (10 points) Briefly describe the modes of parasitism of the fungi that are antagonistic to nematodes. Provide examples where possible. 6. (15 points) Discuss the life cycle, mode of parasitism and control of the rice root nematode, Hirschmanniella oryzae. 7. (15 points) Describe the characteristics, life cycle and feeding habits of the pin nematodes, Paratylenchus spp. 8. (10 points) Based on your knowledge of nematode control, biology, distribution and host ranges, what control measures are available and practical for the following nematode diseases (short answers only): a) Globodera rostochiensis on potatoes b) Meloidogyne incognita on tomato c) Ditylenchus destructor on potato d) Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi on chrysanthemum e) Pratylenchus vulnus on roses