1. (20 points) You are provided with nematodes extracted from soil used in an experiment to determine the effect of certain species on potato. Place an adult female plant-parasitic nematode of any species in the Order Tylenchida on a microscope slide. Heat-kill the nematode with gentle heat before applying a coverslip. Place the slide on the compound microscope. Call the instructor for examination of your nematode. If there is more than one nematode present in the microscope field, indicate the specimen you wish to have examined. Do not ask or expect the instructor to make the selection. Only the nematode that you indicate initially will be considered. You should not have to leave your bench position.
Grading: adult female plant-parasite (Tylenchida), good condition - 20 pts plant-parasite not in Tylenchida 8 pts non-parasite, good condition - 4 pts points off for damage, distortion, dry slides, etc.
2. (15 points) Describe the structure and location of various chemosensory structures of nematodes in the Tylenchida. What is their apparent function. Discuss hypotheses of integration of signals from these sensilla in orientation of the nematodes.
3. (15 points) Provide a generalized drawing of an adult female nematode that is diovarial, amphidelphic, with evidence that functional males are present in the population and that fertilization has occurred. Indicate a postcorpus does not overlap the intestine. Label the features of the esophageal and stoma regions and of the reproductive and digestive tracts.
4. (13 points) Describe the parasitism of the lance nematode, Hoplolaimus columbus on cotton and soybeans. What tissues are affected? What is the overall impact on plant growth?
5. (12 points) The sting nematode, Belonolaimus longicaudatus, has been detected this year in golf courses in Southern California. Provide the following general and diagnostic characters of this nematode by circling the appropriate choice:(i) Order: a) Tylenchida
6. (15 points) What are the soil and climatic conditions in which the
burrowing nematode,
Radopholus similis is especially damaging to
citrus in Florida? Describe the nature and effect of the damage.
7. (10 points) List 5 diagnostic characteristics of organisms in the Phylum Nematoda.
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