Revised 12/21/24
Aphanolaimidae Chitwood, 1936
A family of free-living freshwater to brackish-water nematodes, rarely marine.
Cuticle coarsely striated.
Lip region laterally depressed, not offset, with small labial papillae and four cephalic setae.
Large lateral hypodermal glands with distinct pores to exterior.
Somatic setae present only on male tail.
Amphids large, spiral or circular, close ot lip region.
Stoma ushort, narrow to barrel shaped, without armament.
Esophagus tubular, weakly muscled, no basal bulb.
Excretory gland near esophago-intestinal junction.
Female amphiidelphic or momdelphic, ovaries reflexed.
Male diorchic or monorchic outstretched, gubernaculum and bursa small.
Supplents tube-like, sclerotized, protrusiblesupplements absent.
Caudal glands present, spinneret present.
Tail conoid to elongate in both sexes..
from Andrassy, 2005
Andrassy, I. 2005. Free-living Nematodes of Hingary Vol I. Hungarian Natural History Museum
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