Family Cystidicolidae

Rev. 01/20/2025






Cystidicolidae Skrjabin, 1946


An interesting and important family mostly of gastrointestinal parasites of fshes, primarly teleosts (bony fish with swim bladder and thin scales - about 96% of all fish species) (Moravec, 2024).,

Some are parasites of the swimbladder of freshwater fish

Taxonomy and classifcation system of Cystidicolidae nematodes is complicated because many genera have been diagnosed on cephalic structures, some of which are only evident using scanning electron microscopy.

Some species, including the type species of some genera, have been described solely by light microscopy and are considered inadequately described (Moravec, 2024)



Ko, R.C.; Anderson, R.C. 1969. A revision of the genus CystidicolaFischer, 1798 (Nematoda: Spiruroidea) of the swim bladder of fishes.. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 26:849-864. 

Moravec, F. 2024. New data on the morphology of Ascarophis parupenei (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae), an intestinal parasite of the marine fsh Parupeneus indicus in the Indian Ocean, revealed by SEM. Syst Parasitol 101:60

Moravec, F., Jean-Lou Justine. 2010. Two new genera and species of cystidicolids (Nematoda, Cystidicolidae) from marine fishes off New Caledonia. Parasitology International 59:198–205.

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