Rev 12/20/2024
The type species of the genus.
Key to the genera of the family Tylenchidae
Stylet knobs sloping poseteriorly.
Metacorpus an elongate swelling in the esophagus, valve weak or not apparent.
Isthmus grdually expanding into an elongate basal bulb that butts into the intestine.
Lateral field with 4 incisures.
Monodelphic prodelphic, spermatheca present as an offset pouch.
Bursa small, adcloacal.
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:
Originally described from USA and later r from several countries in Europe (Geraert, 2008).
Probably fairly small.
Ectoparasites of plant roots, root hairs, algae, etc.
Yeates et al. (1993) described Boleodorus as plant feeders (algal, lichen (algal or fungal component), or moss feeders that feed by piercing), or hyphal feeders.
Ecophysiological Parameters:
Relatively slight, small stylets penetrating only thin cell walls.
Host Plant Resistance, Non-hosts and Crop Rotation alternatives:
Geraert, E. 2008. The Tylenchidae of the World: Identification of the family Tylenchidae (Nematoda). Academia Press, Gent Belgium 540pp.
Thorne, G. 1941. Some nematodes of the family Tylenchidae which do not possess a valvular oesophageal median bulb. Great Basin Naturalist 2:37-85.
Yeates, G.W., Bongers, T., Goede, R.G.M. de, Freckman, D.W., Georgieva, S.S. (1993a), Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera - an outline for soil ecologists, Journal of Nematology, 25 (3): 315-331.