Rev 12/18/2023
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Tylenchida Tylenchina Criconematoidea Criconematidae Hemicriconemoidinae
Hemicriconemoides Chitwood & Birchfield, 1957
Type species of the genus: Hemicriconemoides wessoni Chitwood & Birchfield, 1957
Synonyms: None
As of October 2003, the Zoological Record indicated 54 species names associated with this genus. More recent data indicate 52 valid species (Van den Berg et al., 2014)
(adapted from Dasgupta, Raski and Van Gundy, 1969)
The genus Hemicriconemoides was created to include those species that did not fit well into the genera Criconemoides Taylor, 1936 or Hemicycliophora de Man, 1921.
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The common name "Sheathoid Nematode" for Hemicriconemoides spp. is based on the loose, smooth outer cuticular sheath in adult females. The sheath is attached to the nematode boy at the head and vulva. Males and juveniles have only a single cuticle layer which, in juveniles, is ornamented with rows of scales and spines. Sexual dimorphism isd strong with males appearing smaller than females and having reduced feeding and genital structures.
[Ref: Raski and Luc (1987); Van den Berg et al.. (2014).]
The type species is Hemicriconemoides wessoni Chitwood and Birchfield, 1957 Goodey, 1963, originally collected from Florida on Myrica cerifera (southern wax myrtle) (Dasgupta et al., 1969).
Warm temperatures, flooding, and overwatering favor an increase of sheathoid nematode population levels (Inserra et al., 2014)
C-rated pest in California Nematode Pest Rating System. Hemicriconemoides wessoni causes damage to turf grasses in Florida.
Feed as migratory ectoparasites, usually near root tip. Females of H. strictathecatus in Florida are reported to have semiendoparasitic habits; they are found partially embedded with the anterior portion of their body inside the root to feed on cortical cell tissue near the root tip. These females remained attached to the root even after the removal of the soil particles that coated the root (Inserra et al., 2014).
Eggs, four juvenile stages and adults. Juveniles have a single cuticle, ornamented by rows of scales and spines.
Many species of Hemicriconemoides are present in mixed hardwood forests and natural areas, but their economic importance in agriculture is largely undetermined. They have been found on golf courses showing nematode feeding damage, but in these cases, there were many co-occurring nematode species, so it was not possible to determine which species were responsible for damage (Zhang et al., 2012).
Generally, although sheathoid nematode species cause decline of some crops, most species are not considered aggressive parasites.
In Florida and in other countries, damage is documented for litchi, mango (H. mangiferae), sugarcane, and tea (Inserra et al., 2014).
Chitambar, J. J., Westerdahl, B. B., and Subbotin, S. A. 2018. Plant Parasitic Nematodes in California Agriculture. In Subbotin, S., Chitambar J., (eds) Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America. Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection. Springer, Cham.
Dasgupta, D. R., Raski, D. J and Van Gundy, S. D. 1969. Revision of the genus Hemicriconemoides Chitwood & Birchfield, 1957 (Nematoda: Criconematidae). J. Nematol. 1: 126-145.
Geraert, E. 2010. The Criconematidae of the World. Identification of the Family Criconematidae (Nematoda). Ghent, Academia Press. 615p.
Inserra, R.N., Stanley, J.D., Ochoa, A., Schubert, T.S., Subbotin, S.A., Crow, W.T., McSorley, R. 2014. Hemicriconemoides Species as Crop Damaging Parasitic Nematodes in Florida. Nematology Circular No. 223 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services., Division of Plant Industry.
McSorley, R., Campbell, C.W. and Goldweber, S. 1980. Observations on a mango decline in south Florida. Proceedings of Florida State Horticultural Society 93, 132-133.
Raski, D.J. and Luc, M. 1987. A reappraisal of Tylenchina (Nematoda) 10. The superfamily Criconematoidea Taylor, 1936. Revue de Nematologie 10:409-444.
Scheck, H.J. 2021. California Pest Rating Proposal for Hemicriconemoides spp. (Chitwood & Birchfield, 1957) Sheathoid nematodes CDFA, Sacramento.
Van den Berg, E., Tiedt, L.R., Inserra, R.N., Stanley, J.D., Vovlas, N., Palomares Rius, J.E., Castillo, P., Subbotin, S.A. 2014. Morphological and molecular charcterisation of some Hemicriconemaodes species (Nematoda: Criconematidae) together with a phylogeny of the genus. Nematology 16:519-553.
Whitlock, L.S. and A.E. Steele. 1960. Notes on Hemicriconemoides gaddi from camellias in Louisiana and Georgia. Plant Disease Reporter 44: 446-447.
Zeng, Y., Ye, W., Tredway, L., Martin, S. and Martin, M., 2012. Taxonomy and morphology of plant-parasitic nematodes associated with turfgrasses in North and South Carolina, USA. Zootaxa, 3452(1), pp.1-46. Dasgupta, D.R., D.J. Raski and S.D. Van Gundy 1969. Revision of the genus Hemicriconemoides Chitwood and Birchfield, 1957 ( Nematoda: Criconematidae). J. Nematology 1:126-145.