Rev 12/16/2024
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Chromadorea Rhabditida Tylenchina Criconematoidea Criconematidae Macroposthoniinae
Nothocriconemoides Maas, Loof & De Grisse, 1971
Type species of the genus: Nothocriconemoides lineolatus Maas, Loof & De Grisse, 1971 Synonyms: None.
Male: (Characteristics for Nothocriconemoides crenulatus) :
Juveniles: Annules crenate, devoid of scales or spines. First annule not offset. [Ref: Raski and Luc (1987), Geraert (2010)]
Ectoparasites of plant roots.
Geraert, E. 2010. The Criconematidae of the World. Academia Press, Ghent, Belgium.
Maas, P.W.T., Loof, P.A.A., De Grisse, A. 1971. Nothocriconemoides lineolatus n.gen, n.sp. (Nematoda: Criconematidae). MededelingenFakulteit Landbouwwetenschapen Gent 36:711-715.
Raski, D.J. and Luc, M. 1987. A reappraisal of Tylenchina (Nematoda) 10. The superfamily Criconematoidea Taylor, 1936. Revue de Nematologie 10:409-444.