Rev 12/16/2024
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:
Reported associated with the roots of date palms in Iran (Esmaeli et al., 2017).
Host Plant Resistance, Non-hosts and Crop Rotation alternatives:
Andrassy, I. 2007. Free-living Nematodes of Hungary, II (Nematoda errantia). Pedozoologica Hungarica 3. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary. 496p.
Esmaeili, M., Ramin Heydari, Weimin Ye 2017. Description of a New Anguinid Nematode, Nothotylenchus phoenixae n. sp. (Nematoda: Anguinidae) Associated with Palm Date Trees and Its Phylogenetic Relations within the Family Anguinidae. J. Nematology 49: 268-275.