Rev 12/21/2024
Female tail knobbed, digitate or pointed
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:
Female gonad outstretched.
Reported from Riverside, California
Vectored by pineapple beetle, Carpophilus humeralis (Nitidulidae). Found as dauer larvae in oviducts and ovipositor sacs of female beetles and internal sacs of males.
Can be cultured on fungi, Monolinia fructicola and Penicillium sp. Can be isolated from fruit infested by nitidulid beetles.
Ref. Giblin-Davis et al. (1984).
Ecophysiological Parameters:
Dauer juveniles are carried phoretically by nitidulid beetles to a range of types of fruit. They are deposited as the beetles oviposit in the fruit. The dauers molt to adults feeding on fungi in the fruit. Dauer juveniles are formed as the fruit environment deteriorates and they infest newly emerging nitidulid beetles (Giblin, 1985).
Host Plant Resistance, Non-hosts and Crop Rotation alternatives:
Giblin, R.M. 1985. Revue de Nematologie 8:369-375.
Giblin, R.M., T.O. Powers and E.G. Platzer. 1984. Proc 1st Int. Cong. Nematology 1:31.
Giblin-Davis, R.M., N. Kanzaki, W.Ye, M.Mundo-Ocampo, J.G. Baldwin and W.K. Thomas, 2006. Journal of Nematology 38:150-157.