- Chromadorea
- Chromadoria
- Rhabditida
- Tylenchina
- Sphaerularioidea
- Hadrodenus
Mulvey, 1969
Type species: Hadrodenus megacondylus Mulvey, 1969
Mulvey (1969) erected the genus Hadrodenus for species of
Neotylenchidae that are similar to Deladenus
Thorne, 1941 but with a more anterior vulva and a postuterine sac. Besides
describing the type species he transferred Deladenus saccatus
Andrassy, 1964 to the genus.
Described from the Canadian high arctic region.
Mulvey, R.H. 1969. Nematodes of the family Neotylenchidae
(Tylenchida: Nematoda) from the Canadian high Arctic. Canadian J. Zoology
Siddiqi, M. R. 2000. Tylenchida: Parasites of plants and insects, 2nd ed.
Wallingford: CABI Publishing.