- Four small cephalic papillae.
- Buccal cavity long
- Amphids deep, pocket-like, with a rim, situated 1.5-2.5 head
diam. from anterior end.
- Pharynx clavate, long, 1/8-1/7 of body length.
- Nerve ring at mid-pharynx.
- Excretory pore just posterior to nerve ring.
- Excretory duct long, strongly cuticularised.
- Symmetrical circular to elliptical caudal organs in both
- Vulva posterior to mid-body(68-88%).
Based on the position of the vulva,
postmedian rather than anterior to or at mid-body, and more posterior
amphids, longer pharynx and other characters. Ivanova and Neusaus
(2011) moved former Iponema species hyderabadense, krishnanii, and
timmae to a restored genus Globocephalonema Anand & Rao,
1987. Ref: Ivanova and Neuhaus, 2011. |