Rev. 02/07/24
Drilonematidae Chitwood, 1950
Iponematinae Spiridonov & Ivanova 2005
Parasites of the coelomic cavity of earthworms, mainly of the Megascolecoidea..
Four cephalic papillae; lip sensill sometimes present
Stoma often reduced
All with large amphidial apertures
Clavate to nearly cylindroidpharynx
Male with equal-size spicules and a gubernaculum
Caudal organs with a cavity
Caudal sensilla with rounded baswes and short protruding bristles.
Ivanova, E.S. and Spiridonov, S.E. 2015. Four new species of Iponematinae (Drilonematidae, Drilonematoidea, Cephalobomorpha) parasitic in earthworms: description and molecular affiliations. Nematology 17: 1207-1227.
Ivanova, E.S. and Neuhaus, B. 2011. A revision of the Iponematinae (Nematoda: Drilonematoidea) with description of three new species parasitic in tropical earthworms. Nematology 13: 639-652.
Spiridonov, S.E. and Ivanova, E.S. 2005. [The nematodes of the superfamily Drilonematoidea, parasites of earthworms.] Moscow, Russia, Tovarischestvo nauchnyh izdaniy KMK.
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