Rev 12/17/2024
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Scutylenchus rugosus (Siddiqi, 1963) Siddiqi, 1979
Scutylenchus rugosus has been classified in the genera Tylenchorhynchus and Merlinius by various authors. However, the genus Scutylenchus is currently considered valid (Hashemi and Karegar, 2018).
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:
Reported from various European and Asian countries.
Damaging to wheat in parts of Iran.
A migratory ectoparasite of plant roots.
Ecophysiological Parameters:
Patches of weak and yellow wheat seedlings in fields in Iran where wheat was planted after maize. Maize is a susceptible host (Hashemi and Karegar, 2018).
Hashemi, K. and Karegar, A. 2018. Host suitability of common agricultural crops to Scutylenchus rugosus (Siddiqi, 1963) Siddiqi, 1979 in Iran, with a focus on wheat and maize. Nematology 20:33-42.
Hashemi, K., Karegar, A., Hamzehzarghani, H. 2020. Population dynamics of Scutylenchus rugosus under cultivation of maize and wheat and survival in dry fallow conditions. Nematology 22: 1079-1089.
Siddiqi, M.R. (2000). Tylenchida: parasites of plants and insects, 2nd edition. Wallingford, UK, CAB International