- Apparently rare genus.
- Cuticle strongly striated.
- Lip region offset; with shallow, sclerotized, saucer-like frontal
- Six small projections surround oral opening.
- Stylet without basal knobs, 35 um long.
- Tail of both sexes conical, with short terminal process.
- Monodelphic, prodelphis, postuterine sac 1.5 body widths long.
- Female tail conical to short terminal process.
- Male similar to female in size and shape.
- Testis with anterior flexure.
- Spicules very large, paired, not fused, similar to those of
- Male tail with 3 pairs of caudal papillae.
- Caudal alae and gubernaculum absent.
Ref: Nickle, 1970