Generally shorter and thinner than females;
lip region, stoma, pharynx and cuticular
ornamentation similar to those of the female.
Tail sharply pointed, conical, about one post
cloacal body diameter long
Tail enveloped by an open peloderan bursa
bearing nine prominentradialÂŽ papillae on each side; the ÂŽ first
four papillae precloacal, fifth adcloacal and last four post
cloacal. First and eighth papillae extending to the edge of the
bursa; a prominent ventral papilla present on the precloacal lip and
a pair of sublateral papillae present just posterior to the cloacal
Spicules cephalated, tapering posteriorly
with a distinct ventral notch at the distal end.
Gubernaculum about half the length of the
spicules and, ventral view, cone-shaped anteriorly but widening
posteriorly,the outer margins extending further than the central
area giving it a pronged appearance.
Ref: Hooper et al (1999).