Rev 12/17/2024
Type species of the genus: Rhabditophanes schneideri (Butschli, 1873) Goody, 1953
The position of the genus Rhabditophanes in the Alloionematidae is considered questionable as other genera in the fasmily, Alloionema and Neoalloionema, are closely associated with slugs and snails while Rhabdiophanes spp. tend to be associated with beetles (Nermat et al., 2016).
Cheilobus Cobb, 1924
Altherrnema Brzeski, 1961
Probably bacterivorous; occur in rotting wood, excrement and frass of bark beetles. In cow dung they are associated with Aphodius beetles while R. schneideri has been reported as being phoretic on cave pseudoscorpions (Nermut et al., 2016).
Probably phoretic and necromenic with beetles
Fuchs G. 1930. Neue an Borken- und R�sselk�fer gebundene Nematoden, halbparasitische und Wohnungseinmieter. Freilebende Nematoden aus Moos und Walderde in Borken- und R�sselk�ferg�ngen. Zoologische Jahrb�cher (Systematik). 59:505-646.
Nermut, J., V. Puza and Z. Mracek. 2016. Neoallionema indicum n. sp. (Nematoda: Alloionematidae), a new Alloionematid from India. Nematology 16:949-962.
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