
Bars = 50um
Drawings adapted from Moura et al., 2014 |
- Dimorphism in shape of multispiral fovea amphidia occupying 37% of
body diam.
- Didelphic, amphidelphic, ventral to intestine.
- Cuticularized vagina vera and vagina uterina with sphincter muscle.
- Vulva a broad, transverse slit at mid-body.
- Spermatheca with globular sperm.
- Tail conical, with terminal spinneret.
Desmodora porosum Male |
Desmodora porosum Male
pharyngeal region, amphid and buccal teeth |
- Amphids closed loop-shaped, extending entire length of the head
capsule, occupying 52% of corresponding body diameter,.surrounded by
irregularly arranged pores (giving rise to species name).
- Monorchic with globular sperm cells
- Spicules arched with developed capitulum and broad velum
- Gubernaculum laminar, without apophysis,
- Ventral ala in pre-cloacal region.
- One papilliform pre-cloacal supplement
- Tail conico-cylindrical with three caudal glands extending dorsally
and a spinneret.
Ref: Moura et al., 2014 |
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:
Collected from sediment samples at 400 meters depth off the coast of Rio de
Janeiro, Braxil.
Free-living marine nematodes from ocean depths. Probably epistrate feeders
with scraping tooth in stoma (Heip et al., 1998; Tchesunov, 2015)