Stoma elongate, cylindrical, tubiform, cuticularized
walls, surrounded buy 3 lips at the anterior opening.
Six inner labial papillae surrounding stoma opening, six
outer labial papillae, 4 cephalic setae
Stoma armed either anteriorly with three large movable
claw-like teeth.
Amphid apertures stirrup=shaped
Esophagus cylindrical
widening near base, esophageal glands open anteriorly near
the stoma.
Body cavity often packed with
crystalloid particles.
Tail tapering to an elongate point.
Females usually with two ovaries.
Males when present have paired
spicules and a small
Male with a single supplement ellevated on a papilla or seta.
Caudal glands and
spinneret absent.
Primarily inhabit freshwater and moist soil.
Feed as predators.
Ref: Argo and Heryns, 1972; Shokoohi et al., 2013;
Girgan et al., 2021