Rev: 02/22/2024
Ironus ignavus Bastian, 1865
Type species of the genus
Ironus longicallis Daday, 1899
Ironus minor Cobb, 1915
Ironus intermedius Stefanski, 1936
Ref Andrassy, 2007
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:
Widely distributed; reported from moss and moist soil and freshwater. Reported from all continents.
Free-living freshwater (mainly) nematodes; predators of microinvertebrates and nematodes (Yeates et al., 1993)
Ecophysiological Parameters:
Andrassy, I. 2007. Free-living Nemaodes of Hungary, Volume 2. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest.
Girgan, C., Shokoohi, E., Marais, M., Fourie, H., Tiedt, L., Swart, A. 2021. Description of Ironus telperionensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Ironidae) and two known species of Chronogaster (Nematoda: Chronogastridae) and Paraphanolaimus (Nematoda: Aphanolaimidae) from the Telperion Nature Reserve (Mpumalanga, South Africa). Nematology 23: 939-962
Yeates, G.W., T. Bongers, R. G. M. De Goede, D. W. Freckman, and S. S. Georgieva. 1993. Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera—An outline for soil ecologists. Journal of Nematology 25:315-331.