Body C-shaped
in relaxed specimens.
Cuticle 1.0-2.0 μm thick, with fine transverse
striation visible under SEM; a few somatic setae.
Body pores absent.
Lip region continuous with body contour, asymmetric, conoid and 22-25 μm
Inner labial papillae conical, outer labial setae 13-17
μm long; cephalic setae
5-10 μm long, slightly posterior to the whorl of outer labial
Oral aperture surrounded by three small lips.
Stoma with thickened
dorsal wall: dorsal toothsmall, located at 15-22 μm from the
anterior end; subventral teeth 4-7 μm behind the dorsal
Amphid aperture circular, slightly posterior to the level of
dorsal tooth.
Two cervical setae, located 23-85 μm and 68-132
μm from the anterior end.
Cardia 15-20μm long and 28-35 μm wide, with two pericardiac cells.
Distance from base of pharynx to vulva 518-792 μm, and 820-1291
μm to the anus.
Nerve ring at 91-122
μm and excretory pore at 120-170 μm from anterior end.
system monodelphic-prodelphic, 141-264 μm long, ovary reflexed, vagina lacking sclerotized
Vulva with protruding lips and ornamented with fine
Tail curved ventrad in a spiral, with a pair of
latero-dorsal setae, terminating in a small spinneret.