Rev 08/11/2020
Photomicrographs and comparative schematic drawings of buccal cavities of genera of Mononchida
A specialist predator of other nematodes.
Ahmad, W. and Jairajpuri, M.S. 2010.Family Iotonchidae Jairajpiri, 1969. Chapter 8 in Mononchida (eds Ahmad and Jairajpuri) Nematology Monographs and Perspectives7:193-238.
Jairajpuri, M.S., Khan, W.U. 1982. Predatory Nematodes, (Mononchida) with Special Reference to India, Associated Publishing, New Delhi. 131p.
Loof, P.A.A. 2006. Nematology 8:287-310.
Zullini, A. and Peneva, V. 2006. Order Monochida in Eyualem-Abebe, Andrassy and Traunspurger, Freshwater Nematodes : Ecology and Taxonomy. CAB.