Dorylaimus proximus




Rev 03/17/2020

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Dorylaimus proximus Gusakov & Gagarin, 2015


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Morphology and Anatomy:


  •  Cuticle smooth with longitudinal ribs.
  • Labial region high, offset from adjacent body.
  • Amphidial fovea cup-like, situated at the base of lips.
  • Odontostyle straight, long, 2.2-2.5 times the labial region.
  • Odontophore rod-like, 1.1-1.3 times as long as odontostyle length.
  • Esophageal enlargement starting at mid-length.
  • Cardia conoid, muscular, surrounded ву intestinal tissue.
  • Prerectum and rectum 4.4-7.4 times and 1.1-1.5 times as long as the anal body diameter, respectively.
  • Reproductive system didelphic, amphidelphic; ovaries antidromous.
  • Vulva pre-equatorial, in the shape of longitudinal slit. Vulva lips not sclerotized and not protrading outside the body counter.
  • Vagina with muscular walls, extending inwards to half of the corresponding body diameter. Pars proximalis vaginae 42-47 um long; pars refringens vaginae consisting of well-developed head arrowshaped or triangular with light sclerotizations; pars distalis vaginae short.
  • Uterus spacious, with spindle-shaped spermatozoa and one to three eggs measuring 73-90 x 35-38 um.
  • Tail long, with proximal conical and distal thin to filiform whiplike portion. Two pairs of small papillae at basal part of tail.
  • Anterior body  narrowed; body diameter at posterior of esophagus 5.5-5.7 times as wide the labial region.
  • Labial region weakly offset from adjacent body. Lips round, labial and cephalic papillae small.
  • Odontostyle straight and slender, 2.0-2.4 times the labial region diameter; aperture constituting 35-38% its length.
  • Odontophore rodlike, 1.1-1.3 times as long as odontostyle length. Guiding ring double, thick.
  • Amphidial fovea cup-like, wide, occupying 42-47% of the corresponding body diameter and; at the base of lips.
  • Testes paired, opposed, both situated at the left of intestine.
  • Spicules robust, 1.9-2.2 times as long as the cloacal body diameter. Lateral guiding pieces spindle-shaped, 10-12 umlong.
  • Precloacal ventro-median supplements ishaped as small papillae; one adcloacal pair and a series of 38-45 regularly spaced pairs.
  •  Tail short, conoid-rounded, with 2-3 pairs of small papillae

Ref: Gusakov and Gagarin, 2015


Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:



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Freshwater nematode inhabiting bottom sediments. Reported and described from Vietnam.

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   Designated omnivore-predator by Yeates et al (1993). 

Bilgrami (2008) notes that nematodes of this genus penetrate the prey cuticle by repeated thrusts of the odontostyle.  Body contents of the prey are ingested through the odontostyle.

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Biology and Ecology:

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Life Cycle:

Presumably sexually reproducing based on presence of sperm in uterus and frequency of males.

Ecophysiological Parameters:

For Ecophysiological Parameters for this species, click If species level data are not available, click for genus level parameters

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Ecosystem Functions and Services:

Predation and regulation of opportunistic species.

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Andrassy, I. 2009. Free-living Nematodes of Hungary III.  Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. 608p.

Bilgrami, A.L. 2008. Biocontrol potentials of predatory nematodes. Chapter 1 in Ciancio, A. and Mukerji, K.G. (eds).Integrated Management and Biocontrol of Vegetable and Grain Crops Nematodes pp3-28.

Gusakov, V.A., and Gagarin, F.G. 2015. Dorylaimus proximus sp. n. (Nematoda, Dorylaimida) from freshwater bodies of Vietnam. International Journal of Nematology 25:117-121.

Yeates, G.W., T. Bongers, R. G. M. De Goede, D. W. Freckman, and S. S. Georgieva. 1993. Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera—An outline for soil ecologists. Journal of Nematology 25:315-331.

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Copyright 1999 by Howard Ferris.
Revised: March 17, 2020.