Rev 06/13/2023
Tubixaba Monteiro & Lordello, 1980
Type species of the genus: Tubixaba tuxaua Monteiro & Lordello, 1980
Ref: Andrassy, 2009; Nell and Heyns, 1987
Soil nematodes with species describewd from South Africa, Botswana, Europe and Brazil.
Predation and regulation of opportunistic species.
Andrassy, I. 2009. Free-living Nematodes of Hungary III. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. 608p.
Monteriro, A,R. and Lordello, L.G.E. 1980. Tubixaba tuxaua n.g., n.sp., a suspected parasitic nematode of soybean roots (Aporcelaimidae). Revistas de Agricultura, Sao Paulo 55:3012-304.
Nell, N., Heyns, J. 1987. A new speciies of Tubixaba Montero & Lordello from Botswana (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) Phytophylactica 19: 433-436.
Pretorius, E. M., Kruger, J. C. de W. and Heyns, J., 1987.A new species of Tubixaba Monteiro & Lordello, 1980 (Dorylaimida: Aporcelaimidae) with emendation of the genus. Koedoe 30: 41-47
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