Rev 06/16/2023
Syncheilaxonchium Coomans & Nair, 1975
Type species of the genus: Syncheilaxonchium rotundum (Thorne, 1964) Coomans & Nair, 1975
Ref. Andrássy, 2009.
Terrestrial nematodes.
Members of the family Belondiridae are classiofied as plant-feeding (especially those with long odontostyles) and maybe omnivorous (Yeates et al., 1993). Syncheilaxonchium has a short odontostyle which may suggest omnivorous feeding.
Andrassy, I. 2009. Free-living Nematodes of Hungary III. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. 608p.
Coomans, A., and Nair, P. 1975. The genus Axonchium (Nematoda: Belondiridae) Vi. Atypical species, keys, subgenera and conclusions, Nematologica, 21: 296-332.
Yeates, G.W., T. Bongers, R. G. M. De Goede, D. W. Freckman, and S. S. Georgieva. 1993. Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera—An outline for soil ecologists. Journal of Nematology 25:315-331