Rev 06/15/2023
Type species of the genus: Tyleptus parvus Thorne, 1939
Ref: Heyns, 1963.
Terrestrial nematodes with species reported from asia, Africa, North and South America. (Andrassy, 2009)
Andrassy, I. 2009. Free-living Nematodes of Hungary (Nematoda Errantia) Vol. 111. Humgarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. 508p.
Heyns, J. 1963. Five new species of Leptonchidae (Nemata: Dorylaimoidea) from South Africa. Proc Helminth. Soc. Washington 30:7-15.
Thorne, G. 1939. A monograph of the suerfamily Dorylaimiodea. Capita Zoologica 8, 261pp.
Yeates, G.W., T. Bongers, R. G. M. De Goede, D. W. Freckman, and S. S. Georgieva. 1993. Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera—An outline for soil ecologists. Journal of Nematology 25:315-331