- Body slightly arcuate ventrally.
- Cuticle with
numerous radial elements.
- Lateral hypodermal chords 22-23 um wide; body
pores inconspicuous.
- Lip region rounded, offset by a sharp constriction,
with liplet-like elevations around oral opening.
- Amphids stirrup-shaped,
aperture slightly less than hall lip region width.
- Odontostyle ventrally arcuate, 2.3-2.5 times lip region width long,
with thick wall, prominent lumen,, subterminal aperture,
- Odontophore
dorylaimoid, at base narrower than adjoining oesophagus.
- Esophagus very
muscular, very gradually expands at about 40-42% of its length
- Esophago-intestinal valve large, cylindroid.
- Vulva small,
longitudinally oval, pore-like.
- Vagina with thick muscular
walls, 2/5 as long as body width.
- Gonad didelphic, amphidelphic; ovaries with 15-20 oocytes.
- Prerectum 350
um and rectum 1/� anal body widths long.
- Tail convex conoid to a broadly rounded terminus 0.6- 0.7 anal
body width long, with two pairs of lateral pores.
Ref Siddiqi (1983)