Rev 09/22/2022
Procamallanus elatensis female. A: Ventral view of anterior, buccal capsule and eesophagus; B: & C: Cephalic region with buccal capsule, nerverting, basal ring and stoma; D: Ventral view of posterior; E and G: Ventrolateral view of posterior, rectum and anus; F: Ventral view of posterior, rectum, phasmidand anus. Abbreviations; An, anus; BC, buccal capsule; BR, basal ring; Ca, caudal alae; Cl; cloaca; GO, glandular oesophagus; In, intestine; MO, muscular esophagus; Mo,stoma; NR, nerve ring; Ph, phasmid; Pr, proctodeum; Re, rectum; Ta, tail. (adapted from Khalifa et al., 2019).
Ref: Khalifa et al., 2019
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:
Procamallanus elatensis specimens were collected as nematode parasites from the digestive tracts of Siganus sp. fish in the Red Sea
Intestinal parasites of Siganus spp. (Khalid et al., 2019).
Ecophysiological Parameters: