Diastolaimus croca


Rev 02/21/2024

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Diastolaimus croca (Massey, 1963) Andrassy, 1984


Diastolaimus croca Massey, 1963

The genus Diastolaimus was synonymized with Diastolaimus by Andrassy (1984)

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Morphology and Anatomy:



Diastolaimus croca:  A, B. Head (a) amphid aperture (s)
sensilla pouch; C. Face view; D. Male tail; E. Female midbody; F. Female

Diastolaimus (Santafea) croca, from Massey, 1963

4 females and 6 males.
Female: 1.4-1.6mm., a = 32, b = 6, c = 11,. V = 54%.
Male: 1.2-1.5 mm., a= 35, b = 7, c =; 11.
Cuticle with very fine transverse striations.
Body widest in middle, tapering to a moderately-broadly rounded head and a slender hooked tail.
Head without distinct lips, but with a circlet of 6 prominent papillae (Fig. 1 B,C).
Stoma much deeper than wide, consisting of a well-defined cheilostom and protostom, the cheilorhabdions forming part of the cephalic arch; the meso, meta and telorhabdions fused to form the telostom and extending
well back into the procorpus of the esophagus (Fig. 1 B);
Amphids opening at the anterior 1/3 of the telostom (Fig. 1, A, B).
The esophagus with a cylinclricaJ precorpus and corpus, without a median bulb, the isthmus swelling into a valvate terminal bulb(Fig. 1 A).
Nerve ring at the middle of the isthmus.
Excretory pore slightly anterior to the terminal bulb.
Amphidelphic ovaries at times with reflexed termini, oocytes tandemly arranged in a single row.
Vulva located at midbody, transverse and protuberant (Fig. 1E).
Anal opening very prominent, rectaI.glands present (Fig. 1 F).
Tail terminus hooked as in Fig . 1 F .

MALE: Testis single, reflexed.
Rectal glands present ( Fig. 1D).
Spicules paired, gubernaculum present.(Fig. 1D).
Tail terminus hooked.
There are13 pairs of caudal papillae, 4 pair subventral and preanal, 1 pair lateral and preanal, -1 pair postanal and lateral, 4 pair postanal and subventral, 3 pair postanal and subdorsa (Fig. 1 D)..

Description from Massey, 1963

Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:


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The type specimens were taken from the Sandia Mountains, Cibola National Forest, and the Otowi section of Bandelier National ,Monument in New Mexico.

They :were found associated with the bark beetles, Scolytus ventralis Lee  in Abies concolor (Gord. and Glend.) Lindl. and Phloeosinus sp. in Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.) Little.

Massey, 1963


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Bacterial feeder.

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Biology and Ecology:

Nematodes in the Chambersiellidae are frequently reported in assocaiation with bark beetles.  The relationships are probably phoretic in that the nematodes are transported from tree to tree or to insect galleries by the beetles.


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Life Cycle:


Ecophysiological Parameters:

For Ecophysiological Parameters for this species, click If species level data are not available, click for genus level parameters


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Ecosystem Functions and Services:



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Massey, C.L. 1963. Diastolaimus new genus (Rhabditoidea, Chambersiellidae) and a change in the systematic position of Macrolaimus Maupas, 1900. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 30:26-28.

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Copyright 1999 by Howard Ferris.
Revised: February 21, 2024 .