- Length 0.8-1.3 mm.; a ~ 20-26; b ~ 3.5-5.6; c = 7.8-10; v = 49.6-53%.
- Body gradually attenuated towards both ends, assuming the shape of 'C'
when killed by gentle heat.
- Cuticle very finely striated and bearing
two lateral incisures. Cuticular striations 0.0011 mm. apart at the
middle of the body
- Head not marked off from the rest of the body and
without distinct lips.
- Cuticle of the lip region with six branched cirri (Figs. 1, la,
7); Six large labial papillae on the head, one at
base of each cephalic cirrus.
- Terminal mouth opening leads into a
broad stoma (Figs. 1, 7), the walls of which are mostly heavily
Stoma divisible into three regions:. Walls of anterior region formed by six curved hooks
with different outlines in different focal planes (Fig.
1b). These hooks may lie within the head or they may project slightly
(Fig. 1a). Walls of middle region not uniformly sclerotized, formed by a jointed piece which
is distinct from the hooks, Posterior region with
very lightly sclerotized walls;n (Fig. 4).
- Esophagus with a cylindrical corpus and precorpus but without a median
bulb. Narrow isthmus swells into terminal valved bulb. Tissue of precorpus and corpus
appear different
a from that of the isthmus and terminal bulb (Fig. 7). Well developed cardia between the esophagus and the
- Nerve ring surrounds isthmus at midway; excretory pore almost at
same level (Fig. 7).
- Amphids located behind main chamber of stoma; with
elliptical aperture (Figs. 1, 7).
- Phasmids on slightly raised papilla-like
structures symmetrically located on lateral sides of body (Figs. 5, 7).
- Rectum long and narrow. Rectal glands present
(Fig. 7).
- Didelphic, amphidelphic; ovaries reflexed
- Vulva with elevated cone. ; vulval aperture circular iFigs. 5a-5d)
- Tail narrows gradually to a dorsally hooked terminus (Figs. 5, 7).
- Length 1.04-1.37; a~21-35; b ~4.3-5.9; c~10.4-11 ;
spicules 0.045-0.052
mm.; gubernaculum 0.017-0.02 mm.
- Most body configuration similar to female.
- Cloaca long
and narrow lined with thick cuticle. Rectal glands present (Fig. 2).
- Monorchic, testis extends anteriorly beyond middle of body then reflexed.
Vas deferens wide and full of sperms (Fig. 2).
- Two spicules present, of similar shape, and not
joined. Gubernaculum present.
Tail curved and ending in dorsally hooked
- Posterior region of body with seven pairs of preanal and eight
pairs of postanal papillae. Of the latter, two pairs are lateral, five
pairs subvcntral, and one pair subdorsal in position. All preanal pairs
subventraI in position.
- No caudal alae.