- cuticle with three layers; outer
layer with transverse fine striations, medial layer without
striations, and smooth inner layer with fine longitudinal
- Cephalic papillae similar to those of the
- Nerve ring is clearly visible
- Tail strongly coiled
- Testis looped, extending to terminal
portions of body
- Spicules dissimilar; left spicule longer
than right
- Gubernaculum absent. Cloaca close to
posterior end of body.
- Caudal papillae: three pairs precloacal,one
pair cloacal and two pairs postcloacal.
- Four pairs of submedian papillae radiating from oral opening,:
the four innermost are smaller than the outermost
- Amphids are tiny and in line with the outermost papillae
- Vagina vera muscular; ovijector bulbous, usually
directed posteriorly
- Amphidelphic, convoluted, paired uteri extending close to
body extremities
- Uteri extend throughout most of the body and are filled with
- Coiled ovaries are confmed to hindbody and extend to level of
Ref: Marinkelle, 1981