- Opisthodelphic, ovary single, apex near posterior end of worm.
- Single uterus filled with eggs, extendimg length of worm, leading
anteriorly into muscular ovejector.
- Vulva just behind anterior extremity, flush with body surface.
- Eggs thick-walled, barrel-shaped and markedly flattened. Tuft of
fine filaments inserted into mucus plug at each pole, slightly shorter
than eggs themselves
- Eggs cotaining fully-formed larvae.
Ref: Jones, 1987 |
Dioctowittus denisoniae Fig. 1. Anterior end, male; Fig. 2.
Anterior end, female, lateral, with extremely anterior vulva; Fig. 3.
Posterior end, male, lateral; Fig. 4. Optical transverse
section, male, tail, 0.3mm from posterior end; Fig. 5. Male
tail, dorsal; Fig. 6. Posterior end, female; Fig.
7. Egg; Fig. 8. Transverse section, male, c.0.5 mm
from ant. end; Fig. 9. Transverse section, male, near
origin of trophosome; Fig. 10. Transverse section, male, l
mm from tail.
Key: g = testis; t = trophosome; s=stichocyte; v=vas
Drawings from Jones, 1987 |
- Two low ridges on ventral surface of tail, terminating posteriorly
short distance from extremity, anteriorly merging into body wall about 2
mm from tail.
- Monorchic, single testis rounded and reflexed, passing forward to
level, or just past level, of commencement of intestine before turning
- Valvular apparatus at origin of vas deferens; minute genital orifice
on posteroventral aspect of tail.
- Papillae, gubernaculum and spicules absent.
?So, how do sperm get into female?