- Delicate nematodes with well-developed teguminal sheath.
- Lips absent, perityles present but inconspicuous except in
apical view, lateral perityles with two papillae and amphids,
mediodorsal and mediolateral perityles with three papillae.
- Bursa highly developed, joined anteriorly, overlapping anal
region, terminally incised, with thickened arched reinforcement on
anterior surface.
- Ventroventral andlateroventral rays with short common stalk,
long with rounded apices, similar in length or latero- ventral
slightly longer than ventroventral.
- Lateral rays arising from thick common base. Medioiateral ray
markedly longer than other lateral rays. Externodorsal ray short,
inconspicuous, especially in lateral view, arising near base of
posterolateral ray, directed towards anal region.
- Dorsal rays highly developed, extending as prominent
tooth-shaped structures in bursa.
- Gubernaculum well developed.
- Anus and vulva terminal.
- Vulva leading to prominent ovejector with well-developed distal
- Ovoviviparous.
Ref:: Anderson et al., 1979