- Cuticle delicate and easily damaged, arranged in
longitudinal ridges posterior to cephalic region.
- Cephalic region slightly
swollen, 0.030-0.064 mm wide with six prominent elevations that
surround a triangular-shaped mouth with six poorly developed
- Cephalic papillae not prominent, but one papilla at the
outer edge of each submedian elevation, with an amphid at the
outer edge of each median elevation.
- Buccal cavity small with weakly cuticularized walls.
- Esophagus claviform, 0.266-0.353 mm long.
- Two slightly unequal spicules, arcuate in lateral view, each
with two large membranous alae supported by sclerotized rods,
- Gubernaculum with, at its proximal end, two thin branches
extending ventrally and ending in a T-shape piece,
- Genital cone with single ventral papilla and a pair of large
dorsal papillae.
- Bursa terminal; lobes not divided, forming oval shape in
dorsoventral view.
- Bursal rays reduced to small papillae.
- Distal end of vagina muscular, without
prominent sphincter.
- Vulva opens about 0.3 mm from posterior end. P
- Tail conical in shape with pair of prominent subterminal
- Ovoviviparous;
Ref:: Gibbons and Krishnasamy, 1986