Protrellus blatta. 1: Female anterior with esophagus, vulva, vagina,
excretopry pore; 2: Stoma with teeth; 3:Male anterior; 4: Female
posterior; 5:Egg; 6 and 7:: Male posterior. Bars 1,2,3,5,6,7,=
50um; 4 100um.
From Camino and de Villlobos, 2013 |
- Male: much smaller than female
- Cuticle not distinctly annulated.
- Esophagus with a corpus, sthmus and vlvated basal bulb.
- Nerve ring around esophageal corpus.
- Excretory poree base of esophagus.
- Monorchic. testis outstretched.
- One spicule, very short and straight; no gubernaculum..
- Genital papillae arranged in three ventrolateral pairs;
one pait precloacal, two pairs postcloacal
- Tail conical and short,
- Cuticle annulated all along the body.
- Vulva anterior to base of esophagus
- Didelphic. Posterior ovary reflexed anterior to rectum,
about one third of a body length from posterior end.
- Eggs ellipsoid with a lateral cuticular crest
- Excretory pore anterior to vulva
- Tail conical, with long filiform projection.
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:strong>
Intestinal parasites of the cockroach, Blatella vaga, reported from
Intestinal parasites cockroaches.
Camino, N.B., de Villalobos, C. 2013. A new species of Protrellus Cobb, 1920
(Nematoda, Thelastomatidae) parasite of the field cockroach Blatella vaga
Hebard, 1919 (Blattodea, Blattidae) from Catamarca, Argentina. Acta
Parasitologica, 58: 98-104