Rev 01/29/2025
Placentonema gigantissima Gubanov, 1951
Type species of the genus
Parasite of the placenta and other tissues of sperm whales
Placentonema gigantissima differs the genus Crassicauda in having caudal alae with stub-like papillae in the male and, in the female, with multiple branching of the reproductive tract into 32 uteri
Length 6.75 - 8.4 m, width 1.5-2.5 cm
Pharynx 0.12 mm long, 0.008 mm wide. Muscular part of esophagus 2.7-2.8 mm long, 0.2-0.26 mm wide; glandular part 63.6 mm long and 0.56-0.6 mm wide.
Tail end rounded, with pear-shaped elongation, tail narrowing sharply at 11.3 mm from the tail end.
Anus 0.8-1 m from the tail end, anal body width 2.9 mm.
Vulva in posterior of body, 12.4-14.8 mm anterior to anus;. vagina short
Multidelphic-prodelphic. Uterus multiple branching into 32 uteri.
Mature eggs oval, 0.049 mm long and 0.030 mm wide, with completely formed juvenile inside.
Length 2.04-3.75 m, width 8-9 mm.
Oral orifice up to 0.048 mm long and 0.016 wide.
Pharynx 0.14 mm long and 0.008 mm wide. Anterior muscular part of oesophagus up to 2.18-4.0 mm long and 0.1-0.14 mm wide. Glandular part of oesophagus 67.7 mm long, 0.6 mm wide.
Tail end blunt, curved ventrally.
Cloacal orifice 1.4-1.6 mm from posterior body end.
Caudal alae form a leptoderan bursa 1.26-1.4 mm long and up to 0.6-0.7 mm wide,
At base of caudal alae are four precloacal pairs and three postcloacal pairs of stub-like granular papillae. Three pairs of low papillae of the same structure are situated posteriorly to alae ; also, two adanal papillae.
Tail end up to 1.4-1.9 mm wide at cloaca.
Ref: Gubanov, 1951
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:
Sperm whale hosts in the lower latitudes of the southern hemisphere. Species described from whales near the Kuril Islands, Russian far east.
Although the life cycle and longevity of P. gigantissima are not well known and would be difficult to study, it seems reasonable to assume direct transmission of larval nematodes via the placenta into the developing whale calf before birth. Further, the existence of larval nematodes in and around the mammary glands of the nursing mother suggest another likely avenue of direct transmission.
Delyamure, S.L. 1955. Helminthofauna of marine mammals (Ecology and Phylogeny). Gel'mintologicheskaya Laboratoria, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Moskva. English translation: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1968 pp 520.
Gubanov, N.M. A giant nematode from the placenta of cetaceans; Placenttnema gigantissima n.g. n.sp. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 77(6): 1123-1125.
Hermosilla, C., Hirzmann, J.; Silva, L. M.R.; Brotons, J M.; Cerda, M.; Prenger-Berninghoff, E.; Ewers, C.; Taubert, A. 2018. Occurrence of anthropozoonotic parasitic infections and faecal microbes in free-ranging sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) from the Mediterranean Sea. Parasitology Research 117: 2531-2541. doi:10.1007/s00436-018-5942-3