Ataloderinae Wouts, 1973
Cystoid nematodes; do not form a cyst.
Without cyst stage - a cystoid nematode
Cuticle not striated
Anus and vulva terminal, on a prominence
No fenestration around vulva
Eggs retained in female body
Labial disc indistinct
Arches of basal plate low
Stylet < 30 microns long
Esophageal glands fill less then half body width
Up to 1.5 mm long
Labial disc prominent
Head in six sectors
Stylet longer than that of juvenile
Spicules > 30 microns long
Lateral filed with four lines
Wouts, 1973; Subbotin et al. (2017)
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Schmitt, D. P. and H. Ferris. 1998. Pathogenicity and damage levels. Pp 239-265 in S. B. Sharma (Ed.). The Cyst Nematodes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 452p.
Subbotin, S.A., A. Vierstraete, P. De Ley, J. Rowe, L. Waeyenberge, M. Moens and J.R. Vanfleteren. 2001. Phylogenetic Relationships within the Cyst-Forming Nematodes (Nematoda, Heteroderidae) Based on Analysis of Sequences from the ITS Regions of Ribosomal DNA . Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 21:1-16.
Tanha Maafi, Z., Sturhan, D., Handoo, Z., Mor, M., Moens, M., Subbotin, S.A. 2007. Morphological and molecular studies on Heterodera sacchari, H. goldeni and H. leuceilyma (Nematoda: Heteroderidae). Nematology 9: 483-497.
Wouts, 1973. A revision of the family Heteroderidae (Nematoda: tylenchoidea) III. The subfamily Ataloderinae. Nematologica 19:279-284.