Nematology 100: LECTURE 7

Rev. 01/01/2020

Nematodes Parasites of Higher Plants

Migratory Ectoparasites - Dorylaimida and Triplonchida

 Class Enoplea
        Order Dorylaimida
            Family Longidoridae
                Longidorus africanus
                Paralongidorus maximus
                Xiphinema americanum
                Xiphinema index
        Order Triplonchida
            Family Trichodoridae
                    Paratrichodorus minor

Nematode Vectors of Plant Viruses

Slides:  and ultrastructure slides

R+T 3 (R+T= Robertson and Taylor slide set)
778 Xiphinema, sweet cherry, Utah
880 Xiphinema, cherry roots
902,996 X. index, grape
683,684, feeding
982,983,984,622 morphology/anatomy
304,387,510,513,516,519,521 spatial pattern
725 Catenaria anguillula - Oomycota, zoosporic fungus
997 Longidorus?
998 Longidorus, carrot
R+T slides, morph/anat 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,
629,964,966 Trichodorus
678 Trichodorus/corn
679 sugarbeets
909 alfalfa, stand decline plot
963 onion, NL
1001 oats NL, with H. avenae
1002 sugarbeets, NL
384,385,522,525,528,532,533, spatial
449,1053 fanleaf
685 retention areas
686 L. elongatus/raspberry ringspot, odontostyle, guiding sheath
687 mid odontophore, X. diversicaudatum, arabis mosaic
688 Paratrichodorus pachydermus, tobacco rattle particles in esoph