Superfamily Dracunculoidea

Revised 02/19/25

       Dracunculoidea Stiles, 1907
The superfamily comprises species which, as adults, lare located in tissues, the circulatory system or the body cavity of their hosts. Six of the eight families (Anguillicolidae, Skrjabinallidae, Lucionematidae, Daniconematidae, Philometridae and Guyanemidae ) are parasites of fish in both freshwater and marine environments, while the other two families (Micropleuridae and Dracunculidae) infect reptiles, birds and mammals (Aragort et al., 2002; Moravec et al. 1998).
Key to the Families of Dracunculaidea (from Moravec et al., 1998).

1.a. Buccal capsule present, spicules absent.....................................................................................2

   b. Buccal capsule absent or reduced, spicules present of absent.....................................................3

2. a. Body fusifome, male tail without caudal alae; no sclertised copulatory plate in male vulva posterior

        parasites of swimbladder of eels...............................................................................................Anguillicolidae
    b. Body filiform, mail tail with bursa, copulatory plate present or absent; parsites of

       peritoneal cavity of freshwater fish............................................................................................Skrjabillanidae

3. a. Vulva anterior or pre-equatorial; monodelphic; peribuccal ring absent; anus functional.................4

   b. Vulva equatorial or postequatorial; atrophied in mature females; usually 2 ovaries ........................6

   c. Esophagus with muscular and glandular parts; vulva anterior, usually near esophagus; opisthodelphic,

       uterus posterior to vulva; spicules, copulatory plaate and caudal ale present or absent....................5

5. a. Males with spicules and caudal alae...........................................................................................Guyanemidae

   b. Males withoust spicules or caudal alae........................................................................................Daniconematidae

6. a. Glandular part of esophagus short or absent male tail usually rounded; peribuccal ring absent;

       parasites of fish............................................................................................................................Philometridae

7. a. Peribuccal ring absent; moderate sexual dimorphism; funtional annus; parasites of

       reptiles: crocdilians and chelonians................................................................................................Micropleuridae

   b. Peribuccal ring ususally present; marke sexual dimorphism; anus atrophied in adults;

       parasites of reptiles, birds and mammals .......................................................................................Dracunculidae


Aragort, W., Alvarez, F., Iglesias, R., Leiro, J.,\ and Sanmartin, M.L. 2002.  Histodytes microocellatus gen. et sp. nov. (Dracunculoidea: Guyanemidae), a parasite of Raja microocellata on the European Atlantic coast (north-western Spain). Parasitol. Res. 88:932-940.

Moravec, F., Molinar, K. and Szekely, C. 1998. Lucionema balatonense gen. et sp. n. , a new nematode of a new family Lucionematidae fam.n. (Dracunculoidea) from the swim bladder of the European pikeperch, Stizostedion lucioperca (Pisces). Folia Parasitologica 45:57-61

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