Rev 12/16/2024
Chromadorea Rhabditida Tylenchina Tylenchoidea Pratylenchidae Pratylenchinae
Pratylenchus jaehni Inserra, Duncan, Troccoli, Dunn, Santos, Kaplan & Vovlas, 2001
Morphologically similar to P. coffeae but reproductively isolated from it in mating tests (Inserra et al., 2001).
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:
Described from roots of citrus in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Migratory endoparasite.
Pratylenhus jaehni was formerly classified as Pratylenchus coffeae which had three distinct races. Two of the populations reproduced on citrus but not on coffee while the third reproduced on coffee. The race parasitising coffee, it was distinguished as P. jaehni (Duncan et al., 1999; Inserra et al., 2002).
Ecophysiological Parameters:
iMating experiments showed that P. jaehni is reproductively isolated from P. coffeae. (Inserra et al., 2001).
Pratylenchus jaehni is considered to be as aggressive as Melodogyne incognita on Coffea arabica (Inomoto et al., 2004).
Host Plant Resistance, Non-hosts and Crop Rotation alternatives:
For coffee plantations in Brazil, cover crops have been identified that are poor- or non-hosts to P. jaehni (Bessi and Inomoto, 2022).
Bessi, R., Inomoto, M.M. 2022. Host status of cover crops for the management of Pratylenchus jaehni on coffee. J. Nematology 54: | DOI: 10.2478/jofnem-2022-0052
Duncan, L. W., Inserra, R. N., Thomas, S. K., Dunn, D., Mustika, I., Frisse, L. M., Mendes, M. L., Morris, K., and Kaplan, D. T. 1999. Molecular and morphological analyses of isolates of Pratylenchus coffeae and closely related species. Nematropica 29:61-81.
Inomoto, M. M., Beluti, D. B., Siqueira, K. M. S., and Kubo, R. K. 2004. Efeito de Pratylenchus coffeae e Meloidogyne incognita no crescimento de cafeeiro �Catua� Vermelho�. Nematologia Brasileira 28: 143�147.
Inserra, R. N. ; Duncan, L. W. ; Troccoli, A. ; Dunn, D. ; Santos, J. M. dos ; Kaplan, D.; Vovlas, N. 2001. Pratylenchus jaehni sp. n. from citrus in Brazil and its relationship with P. coffeae and P. loosi (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae). Nematology 3:653-665.