- Many setae along body rom the head to the
subventral adhesive tubes, continued as subventral adhesive tubes to
- Prochaetosoma ventriverruca differs
all knownn Prochaetosoma species with males having a midventral
preanal wart (cuticular swelling).
- Monorchic, testis outstretched
- Spermatozoa usually condensed in a
vermiculated mass.
- Spicules short, arcuate, cephalated
and distally pointed.
- Gubernaculum an elongate trough
without an apophysis.
- \Tail elongate-conical, with terminal
spinneret. Terminal cuticular cone indistinctly separated from the
annulated cuticle.
- Many setae along body rom the head to the subventral adhesive
tubes, continued as subventral adhesive tubes toanus.
- Pharyngostoma with slightly sclerotized walls; short and
widened; with small triangular dorsal tooth . Posterior
pharyngostoma narrow.
- Pharynx short, with radial muscular striation. Anterior half of
the pharynx slightly wider than posteriori and terminaticng in an
oval muscular bulb.
- Cardia short, hemispherical. Midgut with wavy internal
lumen. Rectum relatively long. Large flap covers the anal opening.
- Didelphic, amphidelphis with short reflexed ovaries.
- Vulva slightly protruded as a small truncate cone.
- Tiny spermatozoa may be visible in uterus and vagina lumen.
Ref: Tchesunov, 2015