Rev 06/05/2023
Paratimminema Rahaman, Ahmad & Khan, 1993
The genus was established by Rahaman et al when they found specimens that matched the description of Timminema, Khan, 1977, which is somewhat vague and for which comparative type specimens do not exist.
Soil nematodes reported from India and Africa.
Categorized as omnivores (Yeates et al., 1993).
Andrassy, I. 2009. Free-living Nematodes of Hungary III. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. 608p.
Pena-Santiago, R. 2021. Dorylaimida Mundi (Nematoda); checklist of genera and species, with their records. UJA Editorial. 957p.
Rahaman, P.H., Ahmad, W., Khan, Z. 1993. Description of Paratimminema brevibulbum n. gen, n.sp. and Roqueus indicus n.sp. (Doryleimidae: Thornenematidae) from Adamans, India. Nematologica 39:476-485
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