Paraxonchium laetificans
(Andrassy, 1956) Altherr & Loof, 1969
Dorylaimus laetificans Andrassy, 1956
Paraxonchium striatum Krall, 1958
Drepanodorus laetificans (Andrassy, 1956) Andrassy, 1958
Aporcelaimus laetificans (Andrassy,
1956) Andrassy, 1985
Paraxonchium magnidens Thorne, 1974
- Didelphic, vulva transverse, post-equatorial, the vulval
lips distinctly sclerotized.
- Ovejector apparently not strongly demarcated.
- Uterus short, undifferentiated, distinctly separated
from the oviduct by a sphincter.
- Gravid females with one, two or three uterine eggs.
- Egg shell thick (up to 6 um) along sides of egg, but
mostly very thin (about 1 um) around each end of egg.
- Reproductive system typically dorylaimoid.
- Spicules 63 um long
- No gubernaculum or lateral guiding pieces.
- Adanal pair of supplements close to anus, and a
ventromedian (more or less contiguous) series of 18, anterior to the
From Heyns, 1988; Ileva, et al. 2017
Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:
Andrassy, I. 2009. Free-living Nematodes of Hungary III. Hungarian
Natural History Museum, Budapest. 608.
Heyns, J. 1958. Redescriiption of
Paraxonchium laetificans
(Andrassy, 1956) and P. monohystera (Brzeski, 1964)(Nematoda: Dorylaimida).