Described from samples taken from soil under the canopy of live oak
trees (Quercus virginiana Mill.) in north Florida, USA. The original
type locality of Chitwood (1957) now developed for housing (Alvarez-Ortega et al, 2021).
Xiphinemella esseri has been moved with infetsed oak trees over a long period
of time. That is of consequence if the nematode is shown to have
plant-parasitic habits.
Alvarez-Ortego, S., Subbotin, S.A., Inserra, R.N. 2021.Morphological
and molecular characterization of Xiphinemella esseri Chitwood, 1957
(Dorylaimida: Leptonchidae) from Florida, with the first molecular study of
the genus. J. Nematologyn 53: | DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2021-032
Chitwood, B. G. 1957. A new species of Xiphinemella Loos, 1950
(Nematode) from Florida. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of
Washington 24:53-56.
De Bruin, S. and Heyns, J. 1991. A review of the nematode genus
Xiphinemella Loos, 1950. Entomology Memoir - Department of Agricultural
Development, South Africa No
83, 48.p.