Rev 12/11/2023
Skarbilovich, 1959
Epicharinematinae (Maqbool & Shahina, 1985)
Ecphyadophoroidinae (Siddiqi, 1986)
The subfamily is quite hereogeneous in characteristics. Species belonging to Ecphyadophorinae Skarbilovich, 1959 are among the most remarkable of all Tylenchidae. Their long and extremely slender forms render their detection, handling and identification extremely difficult Qing et al., 2018).
Moderate-sized; very slender nematodes ("a" values range from 37 to 176),
Cephalic region with fine annuli present up to labial plate which bears small ovate amphid apertures (Ecphyadophora, Mitranema) or cephalic region high, dorso-ventrally narrowed, smooth, amphidial apertures long slits (Ecphyadophoroides, Epicharinema, Lelenchus).
Males with flap-like caudal alae (except Chilenchus, Lelenchus and Ultratenella);
Tail narrows markedly after anal or cloacal opening; tail very long, filiform.
[Ref: Geraert & Raski, Rev. Nematol. 10(2):143-161 (1987);
Geraert (2008).]
Geraert, E. 2008. The Tylenchidae of the world. Identification of the family Tylenchidae (Nematoda). Ghent, Belgium, Academia Press.
Qing, X., T. J. Pereira, D. Slos, M. Couvreur and W. Bert. 2018. A new species of Malenchus (Nematoda: Tylenchomorpha) with an updated phylogeny of the Tylenchidae. Nematology 20:815-836.