Plant-feeding Nematodes Known to be Associated with:

Tobacco – Nicotiana tabacum

Note: These lists are intended as general guidelines. You need to do further research before using them for crop sequence or management decisions.

Please consider that:

·1 all the listed nematodes may not occur in all geographic regions, or fields within a geographic region, where the crop is grown

·2 cultivars or rootstocks may have been developed or selected that have resistance or tolerance to specific nematodes

·3 there may be races of a particular nematode species that are either virulent or avirulent to a plant species

·4 you need to determine which nematodes are present in the soil before using this list to make management decisions.

Click on species names for more information on biology, location, and specific management strategies.

Strategies for Nematode Management

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Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi Paralongidorus maximus
Criconemoides sp. Paratrichodorus minor 
Ditylenchus dipsaci  Paratylenchus projectus 
Ditylenchus sp. Pratylenchus pratensis
Globodera tabacum Pratylenchus brachyurus
Helicotylenchus australis Pratylenchus penetrans
Helicotylenchus microlobus Pratylenchus zeae
Helicotylenchus sp.  Pratylenchus neglectus
Hemicycliophora sp. Pratylenchus sp.
Heterodera sp. Rotylenchulus reniformis
Hoplolaimus aberrans Rotylenchulus sp.
Hoplolaimus sp. Scutellonema brachyurum
Longidorus sp.  Trichodorus sp.
Meloidogyne arenaria Tylenchorhynchus claytoni
Meloidogyne hapla  Tylenchorhynchus sp.
Meloidogyne incognita Xiphinema sp.
Meloidogyne javanica Paraphelenchus maupasi
Meloidogyne cruciani
Meloidogyne grahami
Meloidogyne inornata
Meloidogyne platani
Meloidogyne sp.

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