Body slender, vermiform or somewhat swollen in mature females. Lateral field with either four or six or more lines. Low, flattened anterior end, small delicate stylet; labial framework lightly sclerotized. Amphid apertures small, lateral slits. Deirids and phasmids generally absent. Female genital system with sixteen-celled tubular spermatheca, in line with genital tract; columned uterus with four rows of cells or it may be a multicelled structure. Post-uterine sac length variable from very long to none at all. Female tails conoid not elongated. Male caudal alae short, leptoderan, sometimes long and peloderan (Sychnotylenchus). Sperm cells with large amount of cytoplasm (exception: Pseudhalenchus). Family contains free-living (fungus feeders) as well as facultative and obligate higher plant parasites, normally parasites of the above ground parts.
[Ref: Fortuner & Maggenti, Rev. Nematol. 10(2):163-176 (1987) and H. Ferris.]
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