Dolichodorus pulvinus




Rev 11/19/2019

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         Dolichodorus pulvinus Khan, Seshadri, Weischer & Mathen. 1971.



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Morphology and Anatomy:



Median bulb well-developed.  

Excretory pore anterior to median bulb, at level of stylet knobs.

Basal esophageal bulb elongate-pyriform. Not overlapping intestine. .  

Ovaries paired, outstretched, spermathecae present.

Tail tapering abruptly then elongate conoid.    

Male: Similar to female.

Spicules slightly arcuate, gubernaculum straight..

Males have unique caudal alae, well-developed. Tail tip appears bifurcate in ventral view.





Dolichodorus pulvinus A: Entire female; B:Female tail; C:Female vulval region; D: Male tail ventral view;
E: Male tail ventral view; F en face view; G: Anterior region detail.

Source: Khan et al., 1971.

Reported median body size for this species (Length mm; width micrometers; weight micrograms) - Click:

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Recorded from sandy-loam soil around roots of cocnut palms, Cocos nucifera, in Kayangulam, Kerala, India. 

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Economic Importance:



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Ectoparasite mainly at root tip; nematode has long stylet.

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Life Cycle:

Ecophysiological Parameters:

For Ecophysiological Parameters for this species, click If species level data are not available, click for genus level parameters
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Host Plant Resistance, Non-hosts and Crop Rotation alternatives:

For plants reported to have some level of resistance to this species, click


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Khan, E., Seshadri, A. R., Weischer, B., & Mathen, K. 1971. Five new nematode species associated with coconut in Kerala, India. Indian Journal of Nematology, 1: 116-127.


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Copyright © 1999 by Howard Ferris.
Revised: November 19, 2019.