Female: Body vermiform,
spiral (when relaxed) to straight. Labial region
continuous to slightly offset, rounded or anteriorly
flattened, generally annulated, but never longitudinally
striated; anterior lip annule
generally not divided into
sectors, with elongate amphid
apertures (SEM). Rarely
faint or marked lip sectors are present.
field with four lines.
Phasmids small, near anus; cephalids
and caudalid
Tail 1 to 2.5 body diameters long, typically more
curved dorsally, with or without a terminal ventral
process, sometimes rounded.
Stylet and labial framework average sized.
Dorsal esophageal gland opening (DEGO) from 6 to 16
um from stylet base.
Median bulb rounded with average-sized valve.
Glands overlap intestine dorsally and ventrally, all
three glands of about the same length.
Two genital branches, the posterior one sometimes
degenerated or reduced to a
post-uterine sac. Epiptygma
present, but folded inwards into the vagina. Vulval flaps
present, inconspicuous.