Nematology 100: LECTURE 11

Rev. 01/01/2020

Nematodes Parasites of Higher Plants

Migratory endoparasitic nematodes of more specialized habit

Order Rhabditida, Suborder Tylenchina

1. Stem and bulb nematodes:

Ditylenchus dipsaci
D. destructor

2. Seed gall nematodes:

            Anguina tritici
            A. agrostis and Clavibacter rathayi
            A. amsinckia
            A. balsamophila


342,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341, Ditylenchus dipsaci - onion, alfalfa.
942 garlic
659,943 alfalfa
660 wando pea
944 narcissus
945,946 daffodil
951 strawberry, nl
948 heat trmt nl
661,941 D. destructor potato
939 dutch iris
958,664 Anguina tritici
665 A. agrostis