Laboratory Exercise 9
Rev. 01/01/2020
Purpose: Migratory endoparasitic nematodes: morphology, anatomy, biology, feeding habits -- Pratylenchidae (Tylenchina, Tylenchoidea)
1. Powerpoint presentation and slides of characteristics.
2. Hand-pick live adults of the specimens of Pratylenchus penetrans or P. vulnus, Hirschmanniella pomponiensis and preserved specimens of Radopholus similis provided.
Draw the nematodes, observing the following characteristic features:
a) stylet length and morphology.
b) esophagus, type and anatomy, nature of
postcorpus interface with intestine.
c) male and female reproductive structures.
d) general shape when heat-relaxed.
3. Note the taxonomic position of these nematodes in the suborder Tylenchina.
4. Examine descriptive charts of these plant-parasitic nematodes in the Pratylenchidae, especially those of Pratylenchus, Radopholus and Hirschmanniella.
5. Videotapes:
a) The Burrowing Nematode
b) Nematode predation and
ingestion by Labronema species (Dorylaimida)
Mononchus aquaticus (Mononchida).
7. Study photographs of characteristics and damage by migratory endoparasites: Radopholus and Hirschmanniella
8. Lab Project extractions should be started, analyses will be performed in next two lab periods. You can work here or in the Ferris Lab (265 Robbins Hall)
Please see details on Lab Exercise 10 outline.
Analysis software is available in Nemaplex:
Main Menu
Select: Nematode Management
Select: Nematode Management Utilities
Select Nematodes as Bioindicators
Select: Nematode Faunal Analyzer
That will take you to an Excel Spreadsheet entitled Nematode Faunal Analyzeryzer. Follow the instructions.
9. As a practice, use the provided extractions from soil report on your assessment of the functional status of the soil food web suggested
by their nematode assemblages.
10. Homework Assignment:
Main Menu:
Select...Biology and Taxonomy
Select..Phylogenetic Classification
Select...Rhabditida then Tylenchina
Review Pratylenchus including some of the species.
Review Radopholus including R. similis.
Review Hirschmanniella including H. oryzae and
H. belli.
Return to Main Menu
11. NEMABASE Exercise
Review the host range of
nematodes in the genera Radopholus, then Hirschmanniella,
Hoplolaimus and Scutellonema. What are the
indicated non-hosts? Are there resistant cultivars available?
From the Nemaplex main
Menu, select Management and Decision Support, then Nemabase 2012.
Alternatively, you can access the data from the descriptive page for each nematode.